hours of animal husbandry and pet care
I’ve actually spent most of my life working with horses, the cats are a big plus. – Ashley

Cat Parents
Admit it, we all wish we lived a life similar to an indoor cat. This collection of posts dedicated to all cat parents will make you want nothing less than the best for your furry friend.
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Multi-Pet Households
A multi-pet household is when there exists both cats and dogs, and they share the same space. These articles are sure to offer the latest methods for peaceful cohabitation!
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New Pet Parents
Here is an inspiring collection of articles crafted especially for new pet parents and those dreaming of welcoming a furry friend into their lives. Learn about how you can prepare and much more!
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Dog Parents
Let’s face it – when it comes to dogs and dog owners, there’s a wide array of interesting characters you’ll run into. These postings bring the latest dog parenting information to you!
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My Mental Health Journey
Mental illness is an incredibly serious matter, and it should not be taken lightly. Some days it becomes hard to eat, sleep, or even leave your bed at all. Read about my experience with mental health and my strategies for reducing symptoms, practicing mindfulness, and overcoming executive dysfunction for the sake of our beloved animals in our care.
Become an EXPERT Pet Parent!
For the average person, pet care transcends mere responsibility; it embodies a profound emotional connection to their furry companions. The routines of feeding, grooming, and exercising not only contribute to the well-being of the pet but also offer the owner a sense of purpose and fulfillment. My postings explore the latest methods for keeping your pet fulfilled and happy!
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