Category: Dog Care and Enrichment
Bonded Pair or Littermate Syndrome? Everything You Need to Know
Littermate syndrome is a troubling behavioral condition that emerges when two puppies, even from separate litters but close in age, are raised together under one roof. Some rescue organizations naively label these duos as “bonded,” tragically sealing their fates and setting them up for failure.
You Want a Puppy? Consider This Beforehand
Ethical Breeders Not all puppy breeding is bad. Preservation breeders, also called ethical breeders, are people or organizations that only participate in…
Ultimate Guide to Pet Safe Foods: Do’s and Don’ts
When it comes to giving a little human food to our furry companions, it’s essential to know which human foods are safe and which can pose serious health risks. Your beloved pooch or kitty may beg for a taste of what you’re snacking on, and in some cases, lead to unintended consequences. In this post,…
Unleash the Fun: Enrichment Ideas for a Healthy and Happy Pup
When it comes to canine enrichment, you don’t want to find yourself barking up the wrong tree…
Cats and Dogs: Helpful Tips for a Successful Multi-Pet Household
Having a multi-pet home can lead to occasional issues, but there are effective strategies to help your pets feel safe together.