• Bonded Pair or Littermate Syndrome? Everything You Need to Know

    Bonded Pair or Littermate Syndrome? Everything You Need to Know

    Littermate syndrome is a troubling behavioral condition that emerges when two puppies, even from separate litters but close in age, are raised together under one roof. Some rescue organizations naively label these duos as “bonded,” tragically sealing their fates and setting them up for failure.

  • The Ugly Truth Behind TNR: Doing More Harm Than Good

    The Ugly Truth Behind TNR: Doing More Harm Than Good

    Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) programs may seem like a compassionate solution for dealing with feral cat populations, but let’s be honest—it’s not the panacea everyone pretends it is. The idea of just trapping, neutering, and releasing these cats back into the wild is naive at best; it barely scratches the surface of the real issues at hand.…

  • How do I Volunteer With Rescue Animals in Need?

    How do I Volunteer With Rescue Animals in Need?

    Volunteering with animals in your community is more than just a way to give back; it’s an opportunity to connect, learn, and make a lasting impact in the lives of both animals and caretakers. Whether you’re a lifelong animal lover or simply looking to explore opportunities for an honor society application, getting involved with local…

  • Howdy Neighbor! Here Are 5 Common Misconceptions About Horses

    Howdy Neighbor! Here Are 5 Common Misconceptions About Horses

    When you hear about horses and barns, some folks picture a classic western movie with cowboys, saloons, and lassoing cattle. Others might think of England, foxhunting, and the Olympics when horses come to mind. But then there are those who have some pretty wild misconceptions about horses. In this post, I’m diving into 5 common…

  • You Want a Puppy? Consider This Beforehand

    You Want a Puppy? Consider This Beforehand

    Ethical Breeders Not all puppy breeding is bad. Preservation breeders, also called ethical breeders, are people or organizations that only participate in…

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